Latest Episodes

Global Stuff on the Overthrow of the Assad Regime in Syria
This podcast of Global Stuff brings back Stephen Zunes, author andexpert on International issues, especially the Middle East and Israel andPalestine. In this live...

Global Stuff on Donald Trump’s Cabinet Picks
This podcast of Global Stuff features a discussion with Colleen Rowley,retired FBI agent, about the background and potential actions byTrump’s initial cabinet appointees, especially...

KMUD Global Stuff on the impacts of the elections
This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded on October 25, 2024. In the first half,host Jimmy Durchslag talks with Teddy Wilson, a journalist, researcher,...

KMUD Global Stuff on The Formula for Progressive Electoral Success
This podcast of Global Stuff was recorded on September 23, 2024. Jimmy talkswith Robert Creamer, longtime activist and political organizer, about his latestbook: Nuts...

Global Stuff with Jeff Cohen and Andra Watkins
This podcast of Global Stuff features two guests. In the first half, JeffCohen, media critic, writer and journalism professor who led campaign, “Don’t...

Global Stuff with Stephen Zunes
This podcast of Global Stuff brings back Stephen Zunes, author and expert on International issues, especially the Middle East and Israel and Palestine. Dr....